Sunday, February 14, 2010


I have to say that this year I have been over excited for Valentines Day to arrive!  I tried to wear a Valentine color every day to work since February 1st.  And yes I was successful.
We started our celebrating on Saturday the 13Th even though Sunday was really the Holiday.  I awoke earlier and made heart/berry pancakes.  I  went to get a Manicure and had my nails painted Red.  I went to lunch with my parents at one of my favorite places and then dropped them off at the Airport.  It was then time to get ready for the evening.  I curled my hair and of course bought a special red polka dot ribbon to wear.  I then put on my favorite red heals.
Jenn and Tom were in town so we met up with all of Devin's family for Dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. Then it was off to the Little America for Devin and I! I had looked forward to this day for weeks and I was so excited to go. 
Lets just say that Devin and I will only be returning to the Little America if we are going for the food and specifically the breakfast. I don't really know why I expected anything different but I did.  Here are some details. 
First and for most, we had a gift card to cover the room and food.  When we arrived at the front desk the young lady informed us that the gift card swipper was not working so they needed a credit card in case we trashed the room.  Little did we know that they charged every thing to our card. Chello the only reason we were going there is because we had a card. 
The lobby at the Little America is gorgeous so wouldn't you think the rooms would be as well? Think Again!  All I could say is step out of the year 1901 and welcome to 2010! They really need to do some updating in the decor and furniture. 
Everyone and their dog was staying there that night and lets just say we heard everything everyone else was doing all night long... and lets just leave it at that.
There were some great things as well. We had my favorite Valentines chocolate candies, And of course some bubbly! I can't get enough of good Chocolate these days and who can say no to some non alcoholic bubbly? 
All in all though the best part of the whole thing was that Devin was there and we were together and I would not have had it any other way!
Happy Valentines Day Devin!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Danny and I had our first kiss at the little america. It was Sr. Ball our sophomore year.

I've never seen the rooms before. They do look out of date, but at least you still had a wonderful Valentines with your hubby!

I definately need the recipe for heart berry pancakes. Those look absolutely delicious!