Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Colored Leaves

I took some extra time to eat lunch today.  My work is right next to Red Butte Gardens. The north wall of the cafeteria area is all glass.  I was not planning on sitting there to eat my lunch but I did.  I sat and looked at the gorgeous fall leaves.  I decided to do this to fill my cup (this is what my Mom and I like to call it.) I know in a few days all the colored leaves will be gone and snow will cover the ground and trees. Have I told you that Fall is my favorite season?  October is my favorite month of the whole year.  Today I am grateful for the Fall.  I am grateful for colored leaves and pumpkins.  I am blessed to live a life that is full of changing seasons.  Some I like more than others.  All the seasons of life, temporal and spiritual make up who I am.  As I say goodbye to the Fall I say thank you to the one who has given it to me and the one who has helped me through the seasons of life.  I would not be here without you and I would not be who I am without you.

This picture was taken at Wheeler Farm.