Saturday, March 12, 2011

Turkey Calling

I had one of those days yesterday.  A day where I could do nothing right and everyone seemed to point every little thing that was not exactly right out to me.  I am overwhelmed at my job.  The list of things to do just seems to get longer and I find myself hardly ever crossing things off.  Devin said last night that I need to be bringing my work home at night and try harder to do my work in the evenings.  Ya after running marathons at work every day the last thing I want to do at night is bring work home.  But I guess I need to learn that being paid Salary pay means that I need to be bring my work home.  After not having such a great evening last night I have decided that today will be about Emily.  These are the things I have wanted to do for a while and today I am going to go do them.
-Isabel and I are going to go get a doughnut at Beyond Glaze (Anyone ever been there?)
-I am going to go to the DB and get a copy of LDS magazine (I have wanted to for quite some time and have not done it)
-I am going to go see a movie so that I can go use my favorite new machines (see below)
- I am going to go eat and Five Guys!!! (Yes I am still doing a health challenge but today I am not in the mood to care)
I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!
What is in store for you today?  I hope it is all about you!!!!!!!!!!!

Young Californians experience the new Coca-Cola Freestyle (TM) fountain dispenser for the first time at a Jack in the Box in Vista, Calif.
The link below is where I got this picture. Read up if you would like.   
P.S. Devin is Turkey Calling with his Dad today...............yeah you read that right, Turkey Calling.

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