Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Tonights A Big Game"

So I promised I would do better at posting and I have waited a whole week, sorry.  So the Murray 1st Ward team won last Thursday night so we are off again tonight to game two.  I am surprised to say that I was not expecting Devin to be so into playing.  This is the very first time he has played on an organized team, if you can call it that.  It is quite sad that his first experience with Basketball has to be the infamous Ward Ball but he is liking it and it gives us a new flav to our Thursday nights.  Anyway we are crossing our fingers for another victory tonight. Go Number 15!!!!

Today Devin and I had a first!  I guess I should say I did because Devin really was not using it.  This morning for the first time since we got married  I took the brand new blender out of the box and used it! It made some great healthy smoothies.  It is not that I have not wanted to use it, it is just that the opportunity never presented itself until today! Enjoy the pics, don't ask what is in the smoothies, we are trying this new healthy eating thing.

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