Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shout Out to the Cutest Clan in Lehi

Surprise!  Another Birthday shout out! One thing that is great about my family is that we have lots of Birthday's in January to celebrate.  It helps get us through this gray wintry month.  Little Noah turns 3 today.
Happy Birthday Noah! It is also his Dad's (my uncle Mike's) Birthday as well.  Happy Birthday Mike! 

Today work was exhausting.  I was so tired and weak by 3pm that I had no idea how I would make it until 5pm.  This week has been super stressful.  I have had to meet a lot of deadlines and it has worn me out.  I cannot be more grateful for Friday to finally be here.  I am grateful for me job just right now I am even more grateful for a three day weekend away from work.  I have plans galore for this weekend but the one thing I need to do is to sleep.  We will see what happens.  Is it a lame excuse to say that I am boring because working full time wears me out?  I think it is.  I used to work part time, go to school full time, had multiple church callings, dated my husband, did an internship for school and still had energy.  Now I feel I have no energy and time and all I really do is work a 40 hour week and teach the sunbeams.  I know those are two wonderful things but I would also like to be a cute wife who makes cute crafts, whose apartment is modern cute (some of you will know what I mean by this), who cooks awesome new things all the time but the truth is that I want and try to do this things but most of the time I am tired and I want to sleep or watch a movie.  Listen to me ramble.  I have no idea how I even got to this point but back to some fun things.

Tonight was my book club night.  We talked about the book I choose, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.  I made my homemade wheat pizza which was a hit.  Thanks Stephanie and Stephanie, I enjoyed our evening together!

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